December 2015 - SICKLY EATERS

Wheat/Gluten-free Birthday Cake

It just so happens that Vince's mom has her birthday on Christmas Eve and she's actually allergic to wheat/gluten so we wanted to try to bake her a cake without any of those things. Just so you know where we're coming from here, I've never baked with anything except wheat & rice flour, and Vince had never really baked anything at all.... so...

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In My Head

I deleted my last post I wrote, because I thought it was stupid. And I didn't want to sound like someone who felt sorry for themselves. I didn't want to put something on my blog that I couldn't even really say to the people closest to me. The blog post was stupid anyways because I tried to make it sound like some weird...

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Home for the Holidays

Even the Spiders are decorating Well, I left as soon as I could after finals. I have two homes now, one with Vince and one with my family. Let's hope he doesn't mind me saying that but it's become a reality. School this semester has been really different. I didn't realize just how bad it's been until I left. The day I left,...

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Pissing Rain

The British use a rather appropriate phrase to describe days like today... (see title) It's been so miserable back here at the university. Cold and wet is never a nice thing when it comes to the weather, unless of course you're in California during a period of severe drought. Anyhow, I realize I've missed a couple days of blogging. I am a bit...

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